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(588) achille造句

"(588) achille"是什么意思  
  • 588 achilles    The first Jupiter trojan discovered, 588 Achilles, was spotted in 1906 by German astronomer Max Wolf. Troilus was killed by Achilles " ( see 588 Achilles ) " in the Trojan War. Among his m...
  • 588 ad    In 588 AD, Pope Gregory I deposed Tucillus, " Miletinae civitatis episcopus " and the clergy and people of Malta elected his successor Trajan in 599 AD . The last recorded Bishop of Malta ...
  • 588 bc    :The year the Temple was burned by Nebuzaradan ( ) is annotated as ( 588 BC ). According to the " Fasti Triumphales ", this war must have occurred prior to 588 BC. On the first, which acco...
  • 588 ce    He died on the 蝜es Saint-Marcouf on 1May 588 CE . There was a monastic presence on the islands until the 15th century. Built in the penultimate year of the Southern Chen Dynasty ( 588 CE )...
  • 588 rue paradis    ""'588 rue paradis " "'is a 1992 semi-autobiographical film written and directed by French-Armenian filmmaker Henri Verneuil.
  • 588年    (588年)十二月,隋发起灭陈之战。 588年,伐陈有功,任荆州总管。 第24代国君,前588年?前577年在位。 公元588年10月,杨坚派隋兵南下灭陈。 (588年)十二月,隋发起灭陈之役。 公元前588年鲁成公所筑,称“西郓”。 时为公元前588年,晋有六军,霸业即成。 588年,隋文帝任杨广为主将,发动南征。 (约公元前588年~前526年)。 至陈祯明二年戊申(5...
  • 588兼职网    588兼职网是一个免费的兼职信息发布平台,我们喜欢通过这个平台能帮助求职的朋友找到满意的工作,得到报酬,同时,我们也希望企业公司或者个人通过在本站发布招聘信息,能够很快找到合适人才,从提高公司企业的业绩,在这里我们祝愿每一个用户朋友,网站立足于长沙、辐射长株潭地区,做专业的,权威的兼职服务发布网站,我们创造价值、我们分享价值!
  • 588城市生活网    588城市生活网成立于2010年,是一家以生活分类资讯为主的多元化网站。 588城市生活网为个人用户提供了各种免费信息的发布平台及用户点评。 588城市生活网为广大网民提供本地的餐饮、娱乐、休闲、旅游等生活服务的信息平台。 588城市生活网以用户体验为本,便捷,高效,真实海量信息为基础,让网络真正贴近生活,为我们的生活贴心服务。 588城市生活网为商家量身定做一整套线上、线...
  • ad 588    In AD 588 a second major wave of plague spread through the Mediterranean into what is now France. Born as Sak Witzil Baah (  White First Hill, or  White Gopher Hill ) in AD 588, he too...
  • cheongnyangni 588    The four main red light districts in South Korea prior to the Special Law are Cheongnyangni 588, Yongsan Station, and Mia-ri in Seoul and Jagalmadang in Daegu.
  • md 588    MD 588 was constructed in the mid-1930s.
  • pa 588    PA 588 turns east and crosses Franklin Township. At this point, PA 588 passes between the Zelienople Municipal Airport to the north and industry to the south.
  • pennsylvania route 588    Eastvale's main street is Pennsylvania Route 588, which connects the community to Beaver Falls via a bridge at Eastvale's southern end.
  • route 588    Eastvale's main street is Pennsylvania Route 588, which connects the community to Beaver Falls via a bridge at Eastvale's southern end.
  • ss 588    Shaped roughly like Italy, Vermejo's 588, 000 acres sprawl from the top of snowcapped mountains to rolling grassland. Golkar chairman Harmoko and the leader of Golkar's Assembly team, Gina...
  • texas house bill 588    Texas's controversial alternative affirmative action plan, Texas House Bill 588, guarantees Texas students who graduated in the percent of their high school class automatic admission to st...
  • united nations security council resolution 588    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 588 "', adopted unanimously on 8 October 1986, after expressing concern at the continuation of the conflict between Iran and Iraq, the Council...
  • year 588    However, the " Chronicle " records that 苐la died in the year 588, and was succeeded by Aethelric. In the year 588, the Roman troops mutinied and taking advantage of this mutiny, Persian tr...
  • 前588年    第24代国君,前588年?前577年在位。 公元前588年鲁成公所筑,称“西郓”。 时为公元前588年,晋有六军,霸业即成。 (约公元前588年~前526年)。 公元前588年,荀首用楚公子交换知?回晋国。 公元前588年,埃及向巴勒斯坦地区发动了进攻。 前588年,晋楚交质。 《左传》记载:晋景12公年,即前588年,“晋作六军。 公元前588年,荀首用楚公子熊?臣交换知...
  • 古县588信息网    古县588信息网站是一个地方性网站。 除了信息外,古县588信息网还介绍了古县的人文、历史、民俗、特产、景点、美食等信息,帮助外地朋友更好的了解古县。 他们本着“为本地人提供便捷信息、为外地人了解本地提供平台”的经营理念,正在把古县588信息网打造成古县最便民的网站。
  • 吕梁588信息网    吕梁588信息网站是一个地方性网站。 除了信息外,吕梁588信息网还介绍了吕梁的人文、历史、民俗、特产、景点、美食等信息,帮助外地朋友更好的了解吕梁。 他们本着“为本地人提供便捷信息、为外地人了解本地提供平台”的经营理念,正在把吕梁588信息网打造成吕梁?最便民的网站。
  • 夏县588信息网    夏县588信息网站是一个地方性网站。 除了信息外,夏县588信息网还介绍了夏县的人文、历史、民俗、特产、景点、美食等信息,帮助外地朋友更好的了解夏县。
  • 应县588信息网    应县588信息网站是一个地方性网站。 除了信息外,应县588信息网还介绍了应县的人文、历史、民俗、特产、景点、美食等信息,帮助外地朋友更好的了解应县。 他们本着“为本地人提供便捷信息、为外地人了解本地提供平台”的经营理念,正在把应县588信息网打造成应县最便民的网站。
  • 怀仁588信息网    怀仁588信息网站是一个地方性网站。 他们本着“为本地人提供便捷信息、为外地人了解本地提供平台”的经营理念,正在把怀仁588信息网打造成最便民的网站。 除了信息外,怀仁588信息网还介绍了怀仁的人文、历史、民俗、特产、景点、美食等信息,帮助外地朋友更好的了解怀仁。
  • 精选家常菜588例    《精选家常菜588例》为您精选超好吃超营养的大众家常菜,分爽口凉菜、喷香热菜和美味靓汤三部分,每部分又按照肉类、水产、蔬果、菌豆进行排列,还有220余例贴心实用的小贴士、营养分析和金牌小妙招,帮助您在最短时间内找到做好家常菜的诀窍,助您吃出营养、吃出健康。

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